Agenzia Giornalistica
direttore Paolo Pagliaro

Books / "La mia tela yemenita" to be presented in Egypt

BigItaly International

Books /

Cairo - On April 29th at 6 pm, at the Italian Cultural Institute in Cairo, there will be a presentation of the book "La mia tela yemenita," edited by Rosangela Barone and Alfredo Guillet and published by ISMEO with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The author, Amedeo Guillet, former officer of the royal army and Italian Ambassador in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia, discusses the significant role played by Italian diplomacy in the Middle East during the Cold War. In addition to Prof. Alfredo Guillet, the editor of the volume, personalities from the academic and diplomatic worlds will intervene to outline Amedeo Guillet's profile from a military and historical-diplomatic perspective. Following the presentation, a documentary about the life of Alfredo Guillet will be screened, followed by an interactive debate with the audience, and finally a reception. (9colonne)

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